Controller Magazin spezial international 2017 | Controller Magazin

The title points the way forward: digital transformation affects all corporate areas, and of course also controlling. At the same time, controlling unlocks new opportunities through the analysis of mass data in real time, for instance.

ICV Think Tank and Expert Work Group Results

In the key note article Hannes Sander describes the work of ICV Think Tank to investigate the fundamental change in corporate controlling brought about by digitisation as well as the initiatives of ICV Expert Work Group “BI/Big Data and Controlling” for its “digitisation offensive”.

This magazine demonstrates how developments like new IFRS standards or recipient-oriented reporting are discussed and adapted at international level: by the International Controller Association (ICV), by the work of members of the International Group of Controlling (IGC) and trainers and participants of the CA controller akademie (CA).


  • ICV Dream Factory: It’s also about the digital transformation of controlling
  • ICV International: Results for an international working company
  • IGC: Controllers have to adapt constantly
  • CA International: Focus! Make your presentations clear and significant
  • Russia: New ICV Work Group in Moscow
  • Spain: ICV contributes current controlling topics
  • Croatia: The evolution of Croatian controlling
  • Poland: Fruitful mistakes
  • Serbia: The 5th ICV Controller Congress
  • Slovenia: Changes brought by IFRS 9 and 15
  • South Africa: Successful in South Africa
  • ICV Interview: Regional ICV Work Groups in 15 countries

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kostenpflichtig Controller Magazin   08.05.2024

Angesichts der aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung in Deutschland suchen Unternehmen verstärkt nach Einsparmöglichkeiten. ...

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